Sunday 2 January 2011

New Year's eve

I must admit that I dont like at all the holidays....and here are the reasons:

first of all I'm not christian and the history tells us that the christianism had been invented ... what for? To get more power over the people!
The pre-existent religion was based on the view of gods which were not bad at all, or good at all.... in everything there's a balance between the opposites... good and evil, right and wrong etc.... indeed we all know that Mother Nature gives to us food, life, water, air to breath etc.... but She can give to us pain, death, poisoned food etc...

Also in us there's this balance.... nobody is perfectly a good person.... we make mistakes, but we can help each other.... we can kill each other etc..!
So the christian God is a 'creature' of the politics! Since they made him ''graceful''... and of course they needed a God for the evil attitude.. and here it comes the Devil..... well I just don't believe in any of them since the good doesnt exist without the evil and viceversa... and they co-exist in the same being!

Well, now lets go back to the start...
Christmas is the birth of God Mithra.... and it 'happens' on the 21th december.... with the winter solstice.... !!
According to the natural calendar... the year ends on the 31th october...between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice!

That's why I dont celebrate (in my heart) on the 31th december.... because I follow the natural calendar.... I do celebrate when the moon is full (esbat).... and when there are the solstices and the equinoxes (sabbat)!

I hope one day, everyone will open their eyes and accept that the universe is populated by living beings, spirits, gods and souls.... sometimes it scares.... but the universe is beautiful this way, because its the way it has to be.

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