Saturday 17 December 2011

I am my hair

This is my hair, I cut it myself and take care of it (and I died it myself too!).
Questi sono i miei capelli, li taglio e me ne prendo cura (e li ho anche colorati)

It used to be more ''golden'' now it's more "coppery":
Prima erano più dorati, ora sono più ramati:

This is my hair how it was ''au naturel'' :)
{it's messy cause of my friend playin with it!}
- Questi sono i miei capelli al naturali (il mio amico mi torturava)
If you'd like, I could teach you how to cut your own hair!!! (you can see how it is long and healthy)
Se vi fa piacere, potrei mostrarvi come li taglio da sola!!! (come vedete sono lunghi e sani)

Tuesday 13 December 2011

DIY: Face Mask

Today I'm going to show you a DIY FACIAL MASK!

This is known as 'egyptian mask' and I've tested it and I think it's good to lift your skin and works good against acne (it's not magic but gets things better!).

Here's what you need:

  • one egg 
  • half spoon of olive oil
  • a spoon of flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • a spoon of milk
Mix it all (below there's a picture of the mixture) and apply on your face (with a brush is easier) - avoid eye area - and let it dry for 15min, then rinse it off with cold water and that's it! 

Try it out and let me know what you think of it!

ps: Before doing it, be sure not to be allergic to any of these ingredients!

Have a shiny day and perfect skin!


Friday 9 December 2011

Pink Lover Weirdness

Only a pink lover (like me) would have paid 15$ to get the ''cute'' (and pink) theme for Advanced System Care ( no ad) !!!

I loooove itttttt!!!! 

ps: more photos are coming!!!

Have a shiny day,


Solo una fissata del rosa come me avrebbe pagato 15$ per avere il tema ''cute'' per il programma Advanced System Care!!!

Lo adoro!!!!

ps: sono in arrivo nuove foto!!


Thursday 8 December 2011

Hair change

Okay, I have nothing to talk about... so I'm just writing what comes to my mind.

I trimmed my fringe since it covered my eyebrows and I want them to be seen (I like them anyway).
I want to dye my hair... my natural colour is weird... brown at the roots... blonde at the ends... and it gets lighter in summer and darker in winter... I love the way it looks during summer... but now I don't like it at all.

I think I'm going to dye it red like Lena Katina (russian singer)... I love her hair colour and some one said I look like her... (she's so beautiful.. so am i?)

I do cut my own hair... I haven't been at the hairdresser for more than a year... I guess two years maybe!

And it's so long (you can see it from the pic) and it's healthy... I do my best to keep it good.

I think I'll do some hair tutorials ... you'll see!

I'm starving....

Have a shiny day,


ps: do you like the new look of the blog?

Monday 5 December 2011

Let it rain...

What goes around comes back around...

I love sunny days but most of all I like the rainy days.. When the rain falls on the streets... houses... cars... and trees I fell like it ''cleans'' it all... from the dirt of our actions, thoughts and words.
I love the smell of the wet soil... and the streets shine like they were all ''blinged''.

I love to see the wind moving the clouds like on a chessboard...and when the sky screams ''checkmate''(with the last thunder) here it comes the rainbow... and the sun comes to dry it all and we're finally clean to make it all dirt again.... and we'll start over again...

Adoro i giorni di sole ma sopratutto quelli di pioggia... quando la pioggia case sulle strade.. le case.. auto e alberi, sento come se ''lavasse'' tutto.. dallo sporco delle nostre azioni, dei nostri pensieri e delle nostre parole.
Adoro l'odoro della terra umida.... e le strade luccicano come se fossero brillantinate.

Amo guardare il vento che muove le nuvole come su una scacchiera... e quando il cielo urla ''scacco matto'' (con l'ultimo tuono) ecco che arriva l'arcobaleno... ed il sole ritorna ad asciugare tutto e siamo finalmente puliti per poter risporcar tutto di nuovo... e ricominciamo da capo..


Friday 2 December 2011

Lady Gaga - Marry the Night

(couldn't put the video - dunno why)

Lady Gaga's 4th single(I hope not to be wrong, either way... tell me!) from the album 'Born this way'' is out.. and on her VEVO channel today she loaded the music video of "Marry the Night".

I fell in love with the song the first time i heard it... it's really intense, meaningfull.. and so it is the video.

I love the way she tells us the story of someone who lost everything but still believes in her talent and her dream... the message is (always) to live our dreams and do anything to make them true.

There's one thing (one of many) that makes Gaga different from other female artists (like Beyoncé, Rihanna etc..)... she shows herself NAKED(censored of course), but she still looks 'simple', not vulgar... she doesn't look ''sexy'' (in a rude way)... and I like it. 

The video is long more than 13minutes but it's not annoying... it's so intense and some scenes are so ''fast'' that you can't either focus on what's happening.... and every scene, every move, every word has a specific meaning... simply LOVE IT!

.... what do you think about it?

have a shiny day,

