Wednesday 7 November 2012

"Yes we can!" again!

Random pic from my Instagram! (@NympheaRose)

Obama has been re-elected! He will be president of USA till 2016 and I'm really happy of it.

He deserves it, in my opinion but we can't deny that he's been supported by many stars... just naming a few: Lady Gaga, Jay-Z and Beyoncé... and I think that it helped a LOT! When you're famous... you can make your fans change their minds about something... it's not like brain-washing... but obviously the words of an "idol" may influence his/her fans... especially the young ones. But that doesn't change the fact that he deserved it...
I'm not into politics, I admit it, so I'm not going to talk about his plans and bla bla... I'm not american either!

By the way, I checked the facebook page of Romney and I looked at some comments..... really I'm shocked! Someone talked about Obama as "the anti-christ" and that they were praying to survive the next four years till the next election... I don't get it... politics is not about religion...
Since Middle Age we know that temporal and spiritual powers are separeted and they don't belong to each other!

I really hope for my country to have a politician similar to Obama... we really need it! Italy has a great history... but the last 10-20 years have really ruined our image!

By the way... congrats to Obama (:

Nymphea Rose

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