Sunday 16 September 2012

Knowledge comes from Experience!

Some days ago I wrote on Twitter and Facebook that I'd have gotten a new phon... and finally I have the Samsung Galaxy S3 in my handssssss!!!! (it's white and I love it)
I downloaded some apps and I subscribed to Instagram - follow me there too!!!

By the way, on my private facebook profile there's been a debate about the knowledge... some people "build up" their knowledge through the tv programs and books (I'm not talking about historical ones) and they also act like "i-know-it-all-you-stupid-ignorant"...
When it's about "religious-knowledge", it's even worse, especially in paganism...because there's no right belief...everyone feels and sees different things with different timing... so it's really stupid to act like that!
Don't you think?
That's why, in my religious path I only believe in what I experience.. but I do respect others' belief!

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