Monday 18 November 2013

Animal lover

Hello my lovely readers,

Right now I'm having breakfast watching Mr Bean.
I've been really busy lately going after my dream and I'm finally getting some results! I'm really happy though my ginger baby Jasper doesnt seem to feel so good but I hope he'll soon feel better!

{...the day after}

On Monday I took Jasper to the vet and fortunately he'll be super healthy in a couple of days... but when I was in the waiting room I talked to other people and an old woman told me that her dog was in a special room cause she was pregnant but she couldn't give birth to her babies so we was really weak and painful... that poor dog died... and the vet didn't save the puppies.. he could have with a c-section but I wonder why he didn't.... as the husband of that lady came out of the room with the dog covered with a white tissue... it's been so hard not to cry... my tears were just about to fall... thinking of that dog with her babies in her body ready to come to life but... they couldn't... it's really so sad!

I'm speechless and so grateful to have my cats and I will do anything to keep them healthy and live a happy life with me.
They will probably see me getting married and having my children... they'll be part of many important events of my life.
Right now... I can't see so well what im writing cause... im crying...
Thinking about all the birds I had, hamsters... my first puppy (Astra) and the dog (Astra 2) that has lived with me since I was 8 years old til 5years ago.

They are part of my life and will always be; I'm sure many of you know what im talking about....

Well I better dry these tears and cuddle my babies ^^

xoxo to you from a teary animal lover♥

Wednesday 23 October 2013

How to be confident

Confidence, what is it?

"A belief in your own ability to do things and be successful"
{quote from: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Being bullied during my childhood didn't help in making me a confident young lady. I was told to be ugly, "chinese" (cause of my almond eyes) and a monkey (my body was quite elastic and flexible)... nice to things to say to a little girl, yeah~
So how could I gain some confidence?
As I grew up I noticed how I was "special" in my own way - trying to be like any other girl was so hard for me - and in the end, I found out that I didn't want to be just "one of them" but just "me".
They couldn't accept me? They thought I was a weirdo? I didn't care anymore.

Someone said "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" well, that's how I gained a bit of confidence.

I'm still working on it, cause I'm not enough confident, especially in my look... some scars are hard to go away, you know..

It's not so easy for me to write this post cause I gotta go back in time and open some of those scars... but I think that many of you can relate to my story.. Who has never been hurt by others' words?!

If you're reading this post is probably cause you want to know how to actually boost your confidence... so let me give you some quick advices...

Become aware of your uniqueness:

Yes, you're unique, there's noone like you and you are the result of your own life experience, you're special, it's true!

Find your style:
 This might sound stupid but our look really makes a difference in the way we feel about ourselves! Be inspired by magazines, street fashion and make a list of what you like... and experiment! Being comfortable in your style will instantly boost your confidence!

● Be positive:

"After rain theres a rainbow, after a storm theres calm, after the night theres a morning, and after a ending theres a new beginning" Got it? ^.~

● Watch your body language:

 Body language speaks more than words... You don't know how to act confidently? Push back your shoulder, keep your chin parallel to the ground.. be aware of your whole body and others will notice the difference!

These are some basic tips and I hope you'll find them useful!

Please leave a comment with your personal experience or your thoughts about these tips.


Monday 7 October 2013

Sick and Alive

Dear lovely readers,
Finally Autumn has arrived, I especially love Fall Fashion... huge and soft sweaters, boots and stockings! Don't you agree?
I am sick right now, thanks to my wisdom teeth (actually my sensitive gums). I hope my face won't become swollen~
As soon as I get better I will post the review of the circle lenses Geo Princess Mimi Apple Green!
So please stay tuned and follow me on Instagram @soyeongy ♥
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Monday 22 July 2013

Life is...

Life is so unpredictable

Who knew that I would be planning to move to South Korea...
and that I'm in "love" with a dream guy

Wednesday 3 July 2013

[How to] Cleo Face Mask

Hello my lovely reader,

I'm back with a new "how to" post.
I was listening to Kpop and watching some korean make up tutorial and I thought that my skin needs some boost to look perfect even without make up so I made up this face mask!
(of course I'm not the first to have made this mask but personally I've never found a tutorial for this type of mask)

To make this magic mask, all you need is :
A glass of milk bth_milkandcookie
Some cotton pads 1832_13110
let's start!

Step 1: Dip the pads in the milk
Step 2: Apply the pads on the chin, forehead and nose.
Step 3: Wait for 15min mini-graphics-clocks-316916
Step 4 : Remove the pads and massage your skin
Step 5: Wash your face and you're done!

Its amazing effects:

~ Moisturizes your skin
~ Makes your skin whiter
~ Has anti-aging properties
~ Makes your skin glow

Easy, right?

Do this mask whenever you want and you'll see the results!

Let me know how your skin improves!

A healthy skin is a beautiful skin!

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Love at your door

Love doesn't knock,
comes in without asking for permission.

Ready or not,
here it comes.
That's all you can do.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

[Review] Dueba Puffy 3 tones in blue

Hello my lovely readers, here's my new circle lens review, and the lenses I'm going to review are...

 Dueba Puffy 3 tones in blue!
I bought this pair on the site HoneyColor and I'm pretty satisfied, the shipping time was quite long but it arrived and  I'm sorry for the lens box that was a bit damaged... but overall the service is good!

Now let's start the review...!

Brand: Dueba
Dia: 14.5mm
Water content: 38%
BC: 8.6mm
Duration: 1 year


The design is really simple and natural, the outer ring is not black, like most circle lenses, but it's a dark blue and this makes the lenses more natural and vibrating.
The color around the hole is a honey brown and blends really well with my brown eyes.
The middle blue is simply AMAZING! I really love this colour, suits me so much with my reddish hair and light skin.... O M G ! Love!
Why I give it 5/5? Because even though the design is really simple, it's perfect for this colour and the result is just perfect!


These lenses are 14.5mm not so big and they kinds look natural but when you take them off you can really see the difference! 


5 out of 5 !!! I wore these lenses the first time for 13 hours! A whole day.... and they were still fine! My eyes got a bit red (obviously I was tired) but the lenses were still perfect! These are the BEST lenses for comfort.... no further comment is needed, just PERFECT!
Ps: The lenses used to move a bit on my eyes the first time and I could sometimes have blurry vision cause of the lenses moving a bit on the side but seems that it fixed itself.


I don't have many lenses (I own 4 pairs and the 5th is on its way) but these circle lenses are.... THE BOMB!
I'm in love with them and I think I'll buy them again, don't know if in other colours, because the blue ones are amazing! Super super love puffy 3 tones!

Natural light
This last photo shows best the beauty of these lenses... My favs!

thanks for reading my blog, comment and share it with your friends ^_^

Saturday 6 April 2013

Long time no see [ preview ]

Hello my lovely readers... 

first of all, I want to thank you so SO much for reading my blog and following me even though I haven't been "active" on here for so long... I went through a f#cked up month and I really couldn't focus.. on anything!

But, finally it's over and I'm ready to blog-blog-blog, so here' s little preview so you know what's going to happen on here!

First of all I changed the look of the blog, please tell me what you think about it, your opinion means so much to me! I think that the quality of the photo really makes it all look kinda pro!

Next blog post is surely going to be a review about the Dueba Puffy 3 tone circle lenses...

Oh my god, I'm really in love with these, but... I don't want to spoil it all!

Another blog post will be about crystals

I use crystal on a daily basis for everything... protection for negative energies/physical help/emotional help and they really help me a LOT so I will share with you the amazing powers of crystals, hope you'll enjoy it!

And.... there will be a g i v e a w a y !

Obviously now I won't say anything about it since it'll a surprise, but here's an hint... it'll be open on my facebook page - "like" if you haven't yet! -

ps: The photos are from my instagram, follow me there too » @nymphearose


Nymphea Rose

Friday 22 February 2013

#GGOTD: Torta di mele

La torta di mele è un dolce facile facile e ci sono davvero tante ricette in giro per poterla preparare; io vi mostrerò il procedimento scritto sul libretto delle ricette di Paneangeli (libretto che mia madre conserva da tanti tanti anni! - da bambina lo sfogliavo mentre lei preparava i suoi dolci)... ma passiamo subito alla ricetta!


♣  200gr di farina

♣  75gr di burro (io ho usato la margarina)

♣  100gr di zucchero

♣  1 uovo

♣  2-3 mele 

♣  1/2 bicchiere di latte

♣  1 bustina di lievito per torte

Preparazione: {tempo totale: 60min circa

Iniziamo lavorando lo zucchero con il burro (o la margarina) fino a formare una crema...

aggiungiamo poi il tuorlo dell'uovo (l'albume va tenuto da parte perché ci servirà dopo),

la farina (con il setaccio mi raccomando, per evitare grumi),

il latte...

ora possiamo aggiungere, a piacere, della buccia di limone grattuggiata o la boccettina di aroma per dolci al limone.
A questo punto possiamo montare l'albume d'uovo a neve ed aggiungerlo al composto, seguito dal lievito.

Benissimo, ora possiamo imburrare la tortiera e prima di versarvi l'impasto, tagliamo le mele in spicchi (è meglio farlo ora e non prima per evitare che si ossidano) e le adagiamo sull'impasto formando dei cerchi concentrici, io le ho disposte a forma di rosa... ed ho aggiunto un po' di zucchero di canna.

Ed ora dritta in forno a 180°C per circa 45min ...... ecco il risultato finale!

Buon appetito !

Tuesday 5 February 2013

[Review] Barbie Sasha 3 tone violet

Hello, here's the review of the circle lenses Barbie Sasha 3 tone in violet,
that I received from cause I won a contest on their fb page.

Ecco la recensione delle circle lens Barbie Sasha 3 tone nella colorazione violet, che ho ricevuto da Uniqso per aver vinto un concorso sulla loro pagina facebook.

Brand: Barbie (Dueba)
Water content: 38%
16.5 mm
Base Curve:
12 months


The design is really similar to the Gossip Grey and I think it's really interesting, not so natural but still dolly!
The color doesn't show up as much as I thought, but you can tell they're violet.

Il design è molto simile a quello delle Gossip Grey e credo sia davvero interessante, non molto naturale ma dà l'effetto "bambola"!
Il colore purtroppo non è visibile quanto pensavo ma si nota che è viola.


The diameter written on the vials is 16.5mm but I think that the real diameter is 14.8! Good enlargement and dolly.

Il diametro scritto sulle boccette è di 16.5mm ma credo che in realtà sia 14.8! L'ingrandimento è notevole.


I must give them only 3 roses because I can't handle them for more than 4 hours... the first time I wore them only after 1 hour I felt my eyes really dry and also after taking them off I could still feel some dryness in my eyes. So so bad !

Riguardo la comodità devo dare solo 3 rose perché non sono riuscita a sopportarle per più di 4 ore... La prima volta già dopo 1 ora mi facevano sentire gli occhi disidratati e anche dopo averle tolte ne avevo ancora la sensazione!


Despite the uncomfortableness I really like these lenses and I'm going to wear them, maybe bringing along the eye drops. 

Nonostante la scomodità mi piacciono molto e le indosserò ancora, forse portando dietro le gocce.

what do you think?