Monday 30 January 2012

Nicki Minaj - Stupid Hoe (Explicit) Official Music Video

Latest single from Nicki Minaj is Stupid Hoe !

The video has no story, no meaning (just like the lyrics)... she shows her tongue(weird, looks like a worm), boobs and ass (as always!)

The music reminds me the videogame pacman aha!

By the way the song is really addicting and if you sing along ''you're a stupid hoe'' you'll feel your lips burn (and you'll get lips like nicki minaj's!)
The video is not made that well... That fake leg at the beginning is horrible... and when she's got the pink wing and white eyeliner some stars are on the right ear to hide something I guess the wig doesn't look nice there or I don't know...the effects are ''poor'', nothing special.... I think she could have done something funnier so she wouldn't get all those thumbs down on YouTube!!!

I really love the makeup looks (except the blue one!) and this is my fav:

I love the pink eyeshadow, the liner, the lashes....the lips and wig! Everything!!! The freakles are super cute too!

Well...... I hope Nicki is going to make a nice song again like ''a moment for life''....


Sunday 29 January 2012

Cake + Pics

Yesterday, as said in the previous post , it was my niece's bday!
We just had some chips and the cake!!!
Ieri, come ho detto nel post precedente, era il compleanno di mia nipote e abbiamo mangiato solo qualche stuzzichino e la torta!

It was as cute as delicious! I love those flowers made of host (i guess)... I wished the cake was with strawberries, but it was delicious nevertheless!
Era tanto carina quanto delizione! Adoro quei fiori di ostia (credo)..... Avrei preferito che la torta fosse con le fragole, ma era buonissima lo stesso!

I'm so pale...... and I Love it! I try not to get sunburnt in the summer and try to keep my skin young and fresh! (I haven't photoshopped my skin in the pics)
Sono così pallida..... e lo Adoro ! Cerco di non prendere insolazioni d'estate e cerco di mantenere la mia pelle giovane e fresca! (non ho photoshoppato la mia pelle nelle foto)

Don't ask me why I love this pic! It's blurry (I tried to fix it) but... I dunno... I like it!!!
ps: I think I'm going to lighten my hair... 

Hope you liked the pics, don't miss next posts... so subscribe to the feed!

Non chiedetemi perché amo questa foto! E' sfocata (ho provato ad aggiustarla) ma... non lo so.... mi piace!!!
ps: penso che schiarirò i capelli...
Spero che le foto vi siano piaciute, non perdete i prossimi post... quindi iscrivetevi ai feed!


Saturday 28 January 2012

Princess Bday

Happy Birthday Little Princess !!!

This is a special post dedicated to my niece!
Since she loves Rapunzel ( Tangled ) I put the image of the Disney Princess ... Loved the movie!

Cute tongue!!!
I HAD to put this pic of my kitties!!!! I love them so much 
Going to get dressed and dolled up!!!


Tuesday 24 January 2012

Doodles on my moleskine


on the 18th I received my first moleskine
I'm trying to draw 'doodles'... as you might know I love drawing swirls everyone, so this is my chance to get more 'artistic'... let me show you an example..

I think that the spiral at the center is kinda inspiring...
Still have to work on it but I think it's a nice start  what do you think?

Going to have lunch

Wednesday 18 January 2012


Will my dream ever come true?


Tuesday 17 January 2012

Tutorial: Glitter Rain on your nails

Hello again, two posts in one day, yeah!                                                    
This is a quick, easy and glam nail tutorial 

For this nail art you're going to need:
Silver glittery nail polish
Pearly base nail polish
Glitter nail polish
Clear nail polish

Let's Start ! 

Apply the pearly base first on your nail

Apply the clear glitter nail polish on 3/4 of the nail

Apply the silver one on the tip of the nail and blend it towards the center (not too much)

Apply then the clear nail polish as a top coat and 

         you're done!

Hope you liked it ! You could do this with other colours too! Leave a comment and subscribe if you'd like!


A new world

I love drawing swirls, I do it especially on my books ehe

The other day I found out a 'new world' (for me!)! 

The moleskine world (no ad)! I knew this ''agenda'' but I never thought that they could sell any kind of notebooks. There's the one for music, for painting, for fashion drawing.... it's so amazing!!!

I bought the weekly notebook:

I really loved the ''le petit prince'' limited edition!! But I need the calendar to remember things, dates etc...
Otherwise I would have bought this one

Isn't it lovely?

Now I should go to the post office....


Tuesday 10 January 2012

A new skin!

Everyone should take care of his/her skin, no matter what age you are (or gender!).

I'm 24 and I use antiwrinkles cream, ''what? You're young bla bla!'' wtf! Creams can't  erase wrinkles but they can keep your skin hydrated and elastic, so why should I wait for my wrinkles to come out?! Makes no sense to me!!!

By the way, I ran out of creams and free samples so I NEEDED to buy a new cream!
And I found out this cream from renuar and is a skin renewal cream, you don't believe me? Look at the pic!

I love this cream, makes my skin so soft (no ad!) !!!
Don't be scared by ''baba de caracol'' (snail dribble), the cream has a nice smell and it's not 'jelly' or sticky at all! Looks and feels like a standard cream!
(I hope no snail is harmed to make this cream!)
Let's talk about what this magic cream does:
daily use helps fortifying and renewing skin tissue with results in the treatment of (pay attention to this!) :

  • skin marks and imperfections (spots, acne scarring and minor scars)
  • stretch marks
  • fine facial lines and wrinkles
  • dryiness
  • chapped skin
contains allantoinglycolic acid, collagen, elastin, vitamins and proteins (so yummy for the skin!)

isn't it great?!

It's kinda expensive (google it) and you can't find it in Italy but I got it from argentina!

(if you're italian and interested in getting it at a special price, contact me)

Nymphea Rose


Tutti dovremmo prenderci cura della nostra pelle, non importa il sesso o l'età!

Ho 24 anni e uso creme con antirughe, " cosa? Sei giovane bla bla " Le creme non eliminano le rughe, ma ne prevengono la comparsa, idratando la pelle e mantenendone l'elasticità, quindi perché dovrei aspettare che mi vengono le rughe?! Non lo capisco proprio!

Comunque, avevo finito la crema e anche i vari campioncini quindi avevo un estremo bisogno di acquistare una nuova crema!

E ho trovato questa crema della renuar che è una crema rinnovatrice della pelle,  non mi credete? Guardate la foto sopra!

Adoro questa crema, rende la mia pelle come seta!!! (non è una pubblicità
Non fatevi spaventare dalla scritta ''bava di lumaca'', la crema ha un buon odore e non è né gelatinosa né collosa! E' proprio come una crema normale. (Spero che per far questa crema le lumache non vengano uccise o maltrattate!)

Parliamo di ciò che fa questa crema speciale; usata quotidianamente rinnova e fortifica l'epidermide con risultati straordinari nel trattamento di :

  • macchie della pelle ed imperfezioni ( cicatrici da acne ad es.)
  • smagliature
  • rughe
  • secchezza
contiene  allantoinacido glicolicollageneelastina, vitamine e proteine (tutto ciò che fa bene alla nostra pelle!)

non è fantastica?!

E' abbastanza costosa (cercate su google) e non si trova in Italia ma io l'ho presa dall'Argentina.

(se sei italiana e sei interessata all'acquisto di questa crema ad un prezzo speciale, contattami)

Un saluto da N., J. e K.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

This is my star...

When I was in high school, I used to watch MTV and my fav tv program was Daria (if you don't know her, google her and watch the tv show).

Middle and High school times have been really hard for me... I'm not a common girl and they never tried to know me and understand me, but what hurt me then made me stronger and now I'm proud of who I am.

Never let anybody bring you down. Be self-conscious and pride of yourself!



Quando ero al liceo, guardavo spesso Mtv ed il mio programma preferito era Daria (se non la conoscete, cercatela su google e guardate qualche puntata).

I tempi delle medie e liceo sono stati davvero difficili per me... non sono una ragazza comune e loro non hanno mai provato a conoscermi e capirmi, ma ciò che prima mi feriva, col tempo m'ha resa più forte e ora sono orgorgliosa di chi sono.

Non lasciate mai che gli altri vi buttino giù. Siate coscienti e orgogliosi di voi stessi!


Monday 2 January 2012

We're in 2012!

We said goodbye to 2011 and we're finally in 2012!

These days have been so boring and after xmas I got a cold with temperature going up and down.
I don't like the holiday because I feel 'sad' and malincony... it feels like i'm about to loose something, I don't know...


yeah the holidays are over!

my outfits and makeup looks were really minimal, natural and simple.
Lately, about make up, I go out with just mascara and lipgloss... a big difference from before (when I used to experiment with make up). My brushes are resting!

I have got nothing else to say so I wish you, me and this blog a great and positive 2012!



Abbiamo dato l'addio al 2011 e siamo finalmente (eh si!) nel 2012!

Le festività per me sono state super noiose e subito dopo natale ho avuto l'influenza con febbre altalenante tra 37 e 40 e raffreddore che poi s'è fatto fare compagnia dalla tosse... insomma stavo a meraviglia!
Io non amo le feste perchè mi mettono angoscia e malinconia.. mi danno la sensazione sempre di 'perdere' qualcosa.

evviva le feste sono finite!!!

I miei look e make up per queste feste sono stati davvero minimal e naturali.
Ultimamente sopratutto riguardo al trucco, sono arrivata quasi alla negazione di esso... capita che esco solo con un filo di mascara e lucidalabbra... molto diverso da ciò che ero e facevo prima (sperimentazione continua).

Non ho altro da dire quindi auguro a voi, a me e a questo blog di avere un ottimo e positivo 2012!
