Wednesday 29 February 2012

BB cream : I love you!

I bought on ebay the Skin79 Absolute total (Diamond collection) SPF37 PA+++ and I love it!!!

I love the glow that gives to my skin! I put it on my face, some concealer on darkcirles, powder on the T-zone, some mascara and I'm perfect! It's not heavy on the face, feels amazingly.

I got for free the small size!
I'm not paid to say this, but I'm sure I'm going to buy another one soon!!! Maybe a bigger size since 40g it's not enough for a daily use for a month!

I paid these 11,92€ + 11€ for the customhouse....

the packaging is really cute and small enough to be put in the purse!

(love the pink background, don't you?)

Have you tried any BB cream? I think I'll never go on without this one!!!
It improves my complexion... makes my cheeks glow and my skin so ''dolly''... I'm obsessed! aha

Please let me know what you think!


Tuesday 21 February 2012

Hair beauty secrets!

Every girl wants long and healthy hair just like Rapunzel's !

Well that's not impossibile! You can have hair like that! (well not that long, cuz it'd be uncomfortable!)As you've seen in an old post, I've got long and shiny hair.....want to know my secretts
Okay, lets start with the RULES:

never brush your hair when its wet, it's super delicate and brushing would cause breakage! (and we don't want it, since we want it to grooooowww!

don't use flat iron more than once a week, or you'll burn your hair

after every shampoo apply a balm - once a week apply a mask

Before blow drying your hair, apply linseed oil (will keep it healthy and shiny)

When you're going to sleep, don't be lazy and do a braid (or two, it's more comfortable when sleeping), so you will prevent damage and tangles! (and the day after you'll have mermaid hair ♥ )

These are the most important rules for beautiful and long hair...

ps: I advice to learn to cut your own hair, that way you choose the right lenght and know what you're doing to your hair! (maybe I'll do a tutorial in the future)


Minty Cream

Sunday 19 February 2012

Being lunatic...

Had no time to post, by the way...
I'm going to bed and I wanted to share with you my feelings.... yeah I'm lunatic as any other living being, moon phases affect me and my mood... lately I am so nervous and I get upset by ''nothing''... and this morning I remembered that we're in the waning phase... damn, I'm so sorry if I overreact in these days... it's not my fault... it's all about instinct!

Well, now I wish you goodnight ...


Wednesday 15 February 2012

Riflessioni a partire da Sanremo 2012

Premetto che io non ho mai guardato sanremo, se non da piccola perché ero forzata e quindi ne ho un orribile ricordo...

Volente o nolente, visto che su facebook ogni pagina parla di questo *blessed* programma, mi ritrovo ad aver ottenuto qualche info:

♪ Presentatori e vallette sono gli stessi dell'anno scorso (W il riciclo!)

♪ Il makeup dei protagonisti è di Pupa e Max Factor (chissene!)

♪ Arisa, ha rinnovato il suo look indossando cadaveri (questo m'importa eccome!)

Foto presa dalla pagina facebook di Pupa
Auguro a questa persona e a tutte quelle che indossano pellicce di far la stessa fine di quegli esseri viventi che si portano indosso con tanto fare superbo e si sentono ''chic''.
Cito il commento di un mio amico "comprerò una giacca in pelle di "Arisa"......"

Una pelliccia non la renderà più chic, elegante.... per me la rende un'assassina con la stessa colpa di chi quegli animali li ha scuoiati vivi!

I personaggi ''famosi'' (per così dire) visto che dettano le leggi della moda e sono presi come modelli a cui ispirarsi dalle pecorelle fescion (l'ho scritto apposta così) dovrebbero cercare di sensibilizzare le persone all'uso di materiali naturali (non derivati da animali).. perché se loro in primis rendessero ''chic'' una giacca in ecopelle o delle scarpe non fatte di cuio... la popolazione bee bee (d'ora in poi così la chiamerò) inizierebbe a comprare quegli stessi abiti, boicottando (involontariamente, visto il loro cervello lo usano solo per contare il numero di borse e scarpe nell'armadio) così le industrie di pelli e pellicce.

E' possibile salvare il nostro pianeta dalla rovina in cui l'abbiamo già gettato. Smetterla di sfruttare la natura come fosse una risorsa infinita... prima o poi gli animali si estingueranno tutti... arriveremo al cannibalismo (tanto il passo è breve), mancheranno le risorse primarie.. acqua, petrolio.... l'aria sarà irrespirabile (anche qui, manca poco)... e dopo cosa faremo? 

Lo so che dal discorso su Sanremo sono finita a questo... ma non possiamo ignorare ciò che sta succedendo a noi e al pianeta. 

La Natura sta cercando di ristabilire l'equilibrio con terremoti, tsunami e varie calamità... nonostante ciò, l'uomo si crede ancora superiore alla Natura.

Se tutti iniziassimo ad esser grati a Madre Natura ed a renderci conto che noi senza di essa non siamo NULLA!

Senza l'ossigeno donatoci dagli alberi, moriremmo; senza l'acqua donataci dalle montagne, moriremmo; senza il Sole che ci dona luce e calore, moriremmo; senza la Terra coi suoi frutti, moriremmo!

Se in tutti noi rinascesse la consapevolezza di ciò, il rispetto e la devozione per Madre Natura (le popolazioni primitive lo sapevano..e vivevano in funzione di essa).. potremmo salvare il nostro pianeta ..e noi stessi.


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Bra: how to?

Are you sure you're wearing the right bra size?
Does your bra move when you lift up your arms? If yes, perhaps the size is too big!
Do the straps feel uncomfortable, like 'cutting' your skin?If yes, perhaps the size is too small!

Don't worry, I'll show you how to find your right size so you can finally buy the most comfortable bra of your life!! (you'll notice the difference!)

Take a measuring tape, you need to measure upper bust (at the center of you breasts, where your nipples are) and lower bust (right under your breasts) in cm!

Now do this:

UB {+ 2cm (allowance)}  - LB       {  ex:   82 (+2) - 70  -> 84 - 70 = 14 --------> B !!!

Hope this scheme makes it easy to find your cup size!

I always bought smaller bras since I've got a small ''torso''... and they were really uncomfortable for my breasts!

Just consider that 50% of women wears the wrong bra size !!!

It's time to get the right one.... your breasts will thank you for that!!!

And who knows, you could probably find out that you've got a bigger cup size than you thought

So go now, take the measuring tape.... and find it out !!!


ps: I've got a new facebook page, check it out and click on ''likehere!

Sunday 12 February 2012

Spunto di riflessione..

"Quando si dubita di ogni cosa si diventa sospettosi e diffidenti.. spesso però nel dubbio si nasconde la superbia dell'orgoglio e questo può farci sentire diversi dagli altri.. migliori,distaccati e ostili alla realtà del mondo che sembra non corrispondere mai alle nostre aspettative.
La diffidenza ci fa allontanare e ci chiude in noi stessi e impediamo a tutti di capirci e di nel nostro rifugio, tra virgolette,.. restano gli incessanti dubbi allora ci si sente sempre insicuri e si cerca una risposta..
La risposta alle tue domande potrebbe essere quella di ritornare all'inizio del tuo cammino e ripercorrere col pensiero le tappe importanti della tua vita.La natura può essere il tuo maestro...l'inizio di quel sentiero. Guarda come nella natura tutto si mantiene in equilibrio e non ha arroganza di giudicare la legge del universo che regola ogni cosa secondo il disegno di una perfezione troppo grande per essere compresa da noi uomini.
finche ci sarà in un cuore anche un solo briciolo della superbia di poter capire ..non potrà essere capita la gioia della partecipazione alla vita che accomuna ogni creatura in una immensa famiglia..

sii consapevole che ciò che respiri è l'elemento prezioso che l'albero trasforma per te affinché tu possa camminare sulla stessa terra in cui affonda le sue radici. "

Grazie Roby ♥

Saturday 11 February 2012

Condoms are evil!!!!

I was reading Cheesie's blog and I found the post about condoms and a contest by Durex.

I was reading the comments and......

I really hope that was a troll, really! Otherwise, something is really wrong here!

I'm totally pro contraception but I'm against sex under 16, by the way a few days ago two children aged 13 and 14 had 2 tweens! I really don't get it... when  I was 14 I used to play with videogames... read Topolino  or just think ''ohhh that boy is nice''... that was all! I'd never think about having sex!

I really dunno what's going on with the teens nowadays...childhood ends at 10!

Well, tell me what do you think about it!


ps: Cheesie, I really like your blog and your style 

Laziness + Pic!

took with my webcam! (poor quality)

Lately I'm so lazy, I don't want to study anymore... it's so hard to concentrate on the books!

By the way i just watched the St. Valentine's episode of Secret Circle (if you don't know it, google it!), i really like it.. and since all the streaming sites have been closed ( #@[])&%(°!!! ) U have to download it and's a waste of time........ * goodbye megavideo, I miss you, even though I hated your 72min countdown *

I'm kinda sleepy now... but I'm still trying to study. Jasp & Khep are sleeping.... I envy 'em!

My makeup routine is really easy and simple, I could do some tutorials for you, if you'd like! (let me know please!!!)



Friday 10 February 2012


It's 2:10am and I'm going to bed, but I wanted to say that new pictures are coming soon! So, subscribe and you won't miss them!



Wednesday 8 February 2012

Goodbye anxiety..(or not?)

When you start university, you know that you're going to be ''student'' for at last 3-5years. And when you're about to graduate, you know that soon you'll be an unemployed and it feels so bad... it scares you and who knows whats going to happen to you!

This feeling used to stop me from doing exams last year, I was so afraid to end this ''journey''... but now, at 1 exam to finish... I can't wait for the day I will go out of the university and never go back again!
Yesterday I got to know from a colleague that I passed the french III exam and I was so excited that I cried!
One last exam and I'm done! In may, I'm going to graduate

After the last exam, I don't know how it will feel..... freedom from anxiety.. stress.... Dunno... actually I'm still having nightmares about high school, so I guess I'm going to have nightmares about university all my life 

By the way, now I'm going to have breakfast!


Monday 6 February 2012

Incense Addicted

Eveytime I go to Naples, when I come back home, my face feels so dirty and I MUST wash it and I feel so damn sleepy! 

I had to do some things for the university but today is my unlucky day -.-''
By the way I bought some incense sticks !!! 

Sandal is so useful to ''clear'' the house for the negativity... and the egyptian musk smells so good..... Can't wait to have my room smelling so delicious and be ''pure''!

Yesterday i took some pics for you!!! Are you happy? :) Here you go!

my bow and my hair :)

Hope you like them!


Friday 3 February 2012

Paid my dues

Update: I passed the exam, so I think I was right when I thought that I paid the price to pass it by falling!!! ps: got 28/30!


It's been a long day! I woke up at 5,45am to get my bus at 6,40 to go to the university!
When I was walking down the streets in Naples I fell (it was raining) and my jeans got so dirty!!! Damn, my knees still hurt! And a f#cking man passing by said ''oh, you were about to fall''... no sir, i FELL for real!!! I was down on my knees, my bag in the dirty water and the umbrella in my eye (i felt the fabric of the umbrella on my eye ball...)

I just said to myself "okay gods, got the message! This is the price to pass the exam!"

By the way, the other day my mom made pizza!!! sooo delicious!!!!

While I was waiting for the pizza to be ready, I took a pic of Jasper on the tv (he's smart and finds the warm zones of the house)... so cute!
Look at those eyes (*_*) extra kawaii!!!

we also had some papaya! (first time, indeed it was kinda unripe)

and here it is...... pizza with broccoli and sausage (plus some 'provola')!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 

Hmmm I'm hungry going to eat an hamburger (bread, meat, french fries, 'provola' and ketchup)... (I'm willing to go vegan... and actually I don't even like meat -.-)
