Friday 3 February 2012

Paid my dues

Update: I passed the exam, so I think I was right when I thought that I paid the price to pass it by falling!!! ps: got 28/30!


It's been a long day! I woke up at 5,45am to get my bus at 6,40 to go to the university!
When I was walking down the streets in Naples I fell (it was raining) and my jeans got so dirty!!! Damn, my knees still hurt! And a f#cking man passing by said ''oh, you were about to fall''... no sir, i FELL for real!!! I was down on my knees, my bag in the dirty water and the umbrella in my eye (i felt the fabric of the umbrella on my eye ball...)

I just said to myself "okay gods, got the message! This is the price to pass the exam!"

By the way, the other day my mom made pizza!!! sooo delicious!!!!

While I was waiting for the pizza to be ready, I took a pic of Jasper on the tv (he's smart and finds the warm zones of the house)... so cute!
Look at those eyes (*_*) extra kawaii!!!

we also had some papaya! (first time, indeed it was kinda unripe)

and here it is...... pizza with broccoli and sausage (plus some 'provola')!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 

Hmmm I'm hungry going to eat an hamburger (bread, meat, french fries, 'provola' and ketchup)... (I'm willing to go vegan... and actually I don't even like meat -.-)


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